- 建築という物理的存在が重力や地震や風圧などに反して成立するのに必要な強さを確保するための仕組み。
- 建築を形作る素材の組み合わせ方あるいは構成。そこには構法の詩学であるテクトニクスの概念を含みます。
- 建築によって、区切ったり、特徴付けられたりした空間や場所の関係性。空間構造。
- 建築を使う人々が作り出す人間関係や活動の仕組み。社会構造。
When we think about architecture, we contemplate the possibilities of ‘structure’.
The word has several meanings listed below.
- The system to give architecture enough strength against the gravity, earthquakes, typhoons and so on.
- The composition of materials including the concept of tectonics, the poetic value of construction. Human being recognizes esthetics on unity, existence and composition in architecture as an object.
- The relationship of the space of the places, defined and characterized by the architecture. In other words, space structure. The phenomenon created by light, wind, sound, and so on affect a person’s feeling and psychology, and make person recognize living in the flow of time.
- The system of the human relationships and the activities created by the people using architecture. In other words, social structure. It may be the composition of the family or relationships among family members in case of the house, or the education system in case of a school.
We believe that the various structures can be overlapped smoothly without contradiction in an admirable architecture. We have been designing the structure with simplicity and attractiveness.
Although we cannot predict the future social situation of 30 or 50 years later, we wish our architecture would still be loved, be used and keep its identity, even if the circumstance changes and the miner parts are replaced.