新規プロジェクトを掲載しました。「 010 Building 」
We put the new project on the website. 010 Building.
新規プロジェクトを掲載しました。「 010 Building 」
We put the new project on the website. 010 Building.
The plane is shaped like a "Kazaguruma", which is a combination of four key-shaped pieces taken out of the small room box in order to create a large living space in the center. The structure is made of wood that makes the best use of the skin of locally produced cedar wood to create a warm space. For the outer wall that is continuous with the roof, cedar boards are pasted on the rib material, and the structural material is used as the internal finish. The floor material is also made of compressed cedar to unify the texture. By taking openings in all directions of the building, daylighting, ventilation and a feeling of openness are ensured, and for the thin top light, low E glass and rib material that also has a structure are used to adjust the sunlight.