新規プロジェクトを掲載しました。「 010 Building 」
We put the new project on the website. 010 Building.
新規プロジェクトを掲載しました。「 010 Building 」
We put the new project on the website. 010 Building.
構造は、基礎と1階外壁を250mm厚のRC、それ以外を在来木造とした。構造用合板でパネル化した大きな折板屋根は、2階外壁とともに高剛性の木箱を構成し、小径材のみで7.7m x 10.2m の無柱空間を実現している。
【撮影クレジット 3枚目:NKS2 architects 他:太田 直】
The primary aim of the house is to optimize the environmental condition. The rectangular site in a residential area have 45 degrees angle to the north. When the carport sit along the street, the house need to be very close to the neighbors of southern boundary. We decided to put the rotated 2nd floor roof on top of the rectangular 1st floor and to make a large window to the south corner of the site.
To make a interior space open in a limited footprint we made a single volume space connecting the first floor to the 2nd floor with stairs except the 1st floor bathrooms .
The 2nd floor timber frame structure sit on the 1st floor concrete box. A stiff timber box consist of the folded roof and the exterior walls realized the 7.7m x 10.2m pillar free space.
We set main windows at higher level to maximize the effect of natural light, put eaves in front of the large window to cut direct sunlight, and used the slit windows between 1st and 2nd floor for natural lighting and ventilation.
The 1st floor concrete covered by insulation works as a heat storage to keep the interior thermal condition, and the 2nd floor timber flame filled with the on-site forming insulation prevent condensation.
The air-conditioning system using under floor chamber and the air flow created by the circulator fan at the ceiling minimize the thermal imbalance in the room.