新規プロジェクトを掲載しました。「 010 Building 」
We put the new project on the website. 010 Building.
新規プロジェクトを掲載しました。「 010 Building 」
We put the new project on the website. 010 Building.
It is a house for two families in the residential area at the edge of the mountain. Clients are eager for the view to the sea over the roof of houses around. So we decided to build the house with 3 stories on the limited flat area in the sloping site. The structure is made of reinforced concrete. Through the various square openings perforated on exterior walls, they got the view to the sea, the forest, and the garden. The large garden arranged by the clients has gradually fit with the deep-colored building. They will enjoy their slow life in such natural circumstance.